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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Bobby East's ride Friday night.

At this point, about all Bobby East can do is hang on. He's closing too fast to do much else.
Here, Tracy may be starting to think he'd gotten lucky...
...but a split second later he finds out otherwise as Bobby slams into him.
The next two shots show lucky it was that nothing got in the cockpit with Tracy.

Then the momentum starts to pivot East's car around on the hood of Hines.
This looks like Bobby is levitating.
The way he lands makes the following inevitable. Look close and you can see his left hand still on the wheel.
Here we go.

Everybody was saying there was no moisture left in the track, but those big chunks were like damp clay. No dust at all is kicking up,
Zach Daum (5) was in a similar deal in the Saturday feature last year when he hit the turn 1 rail, flipped, and got drilled by Brad Loyet.

So far, other cars are staying out of it by diving down low.
Now the chain reaction starts. Levi Roberts gets into the back of CJ Johnson who'd slowed.
That gets HIM sideways blocking most of the rest of the track.
In the next few shots, you can see he was lucky to have stayed upright.

Near the end, Andrew Felker got involved too. I saw him up on two wheels out of the corner of my eye and switched to him missing the very end of East's ride. I wasn't sure if he'd gotten on his top until I saw him Saturday... he hadn't.
As close as the cars were coming to the rail from the first lap, it looked very likely that something might happen any moment. I was watching Tracy as he came in, hit, and slowed dramatically. It seemed to develop in slow motion as Bobby got sideways trying to slow down a little. I didn't have a chance to talk to him later, but I doubt he thought he could miss Hines and just hoped to scrub off some speed.
The incredible thing was the way the old Metz flash I use just kept firing off. They will reagh a mile, but their recycle time is not a strong point. There are four shots in there where it didn't fire, but I left them in because you can still see what's going on.
I was glad to see everyone hop out of their cars in good shape when it was over.

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